We’ve had a change of heart based on user feedback. We didn’t think checks would be a big deal but apparently they are for some people, especially those foreign customers who have to make special arrangements with their bank to get one. Originally we were always going to open up credit card ordering on September 1st, but we decided to move it up.

If you’ve already placed your order and indicated mail order form payment, please continue with that payment method. Else, all new orders are welcome to be made by either method, except people from high risk fraud countries (Russia, China, Malaysia, among others) who we will require check payments from still.

23 Thoughts on “Credit Card Ordering Now Available for Longclaw

  1. Aaron on July 24, 2008 at 10:46 pm said:

    Will this apply to all future products as well, from the beginning of ordering?

    If so, it’d certainly be appreciated. I had to pay an extra €10 on bank charges and postage, for instance.

  2. Mike on July 25, 2008 at 6:55 am said:

    Thanks for the quick response to your customers. Because of this, Longclaw is now MINE!!!!! Can’t wait…

  3. Mike on July 25, 2008 at 6:33 pm said:

    I placed my order before the credit card ordering opened up so just to clear things up for me, for U.S. customers can you accept personal checks or does it have to be a cashier’s check from the bank? Thanks, can’t wait to get a hold of my very own Longclaw.

  4. personal checks are fine

  5. Bones on July 27, 2008 at 7:20 pm said:

    just curious, but I sent in my check just under a week ago and have yet to hear of its receipt… I am from Virginia so I understand that it does take time to travel, but I feel like it should be there by now, is it just taking you guys time to get sorted?

  6. SChoy on July 28, 2008 at 1:53 pm said:

    I made my order the first day and indicated check. Is there any way to convert it to credit card payment or do I still need to send a check?

  7. IF you haven’t sent the check yet you can place a new order and we’ll eventually cancel the old one (when it gets 30 days old).

  8. Bones… email us and I can check on your order.

  9. When will these ship? is there a solid date?

  10. no solid date.

  11. The Dire Oath on August 7, 2008 at 4:52 am said:

    Is there a solid date as to when we’ll have a solid date ,haha?

    Wil they be out by ’09

  12. How bout an estimated date? Maybe the 300ish USD isn’t much to some, but seeing as how it’s out of my bank account, an idea would be nice.

  13. Right now we’re hoping for late November, hoping being the operative word. There are just too many variables right now to say for sure.

  14. Andreas on August 26, 2008 at 5:28 pm said:

    Can you say how many orders you have received until now. I have not enough money until late november. So maybe i have still a chance ;)

  15. We won’t sell out by late November.

  16. Are the serial numbers for the swords assigned in order of when the order was placed? If so, could you tell me what number I will get? Thanks!

  17. A general guestimation makes me feel better than nothing at all. Thanks for the fast reply.

  18. Sorry Jake no, we cannot guarantee specific numbers… mostly because you know when they arrive they’re going to be all mixed up, and hunting through trying to match numbers up would be a huge labor cost.

    I can guarantee that those who order early will get a lower number than those who order later, in that the first shipment will be 600 swords and be numbers 1-600 so if you ordered one of the first 600 you’ll get one of the first 600 numbers. Then so on with each 600 sword shipment.

  19. Jarrod on August 28, 2008 at 10:16 pm said:

    how do i order. will I have it by Christmas?

  20. you can order here


    We hope to have them by Christmas, but you never know, there could be a delay beyond our control.

  21. Just out of curiosity, what do the pre-order totals look like? Are they as good as you all had hoped for? Better? (Gods forbid) Worse?

  22. So i still have a chance :)
    I will order Lonclaw in late november via my credit card.
    Thank you for the info.

  23. Adam Tankersley on September 25, 2008 at 8:45 am said:

    very handsome sword i am glad too see good quality at a good price and was wandering if the sword will be battle ready with sharpend edges

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